Any Day Is Here
Today I received the Author copy of the first book in a series of three, The Soul In Our Hearts. The expected launch date is now May 20th. I am told on or around May 20th. the book will be available direct from the publisher, as well as Amazon Books, Barnes and Noble, and others. It will be available in both ebook and print version. I will let everyone know in my blog when it is on those major sites. To order the book will be quite simple. On my website, if someone clicks on purchase books, that will bring them to a page that gives them direct links to purcahse the book from the source they choose. Of course they can go to those sites directly and do a search for it. Thank you all for your support. I have received many emails through my website wishing me success. But that success is up to you, the readers. Enjoy and saty tuned for further information.