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COURAGE and FEAR - Is there really a difference?

Greetings. It's been a few months since my last video blog post. It's been a busy summer for me, but now things are slowing down and this is my first video blog post for the summer. I like to do one once a month to keep things personal between myself and my readers. If you are new to my blog, The Author's Pen is a blog I write for publishing every Monday evening at 10:30 PM EST. It is a diversified blog and many topics are discussed because 95% of my topics coming from suggestions from my subscribers and readers.

This week's topic discusses courage and fear. The basic concept, but more importantly, how it relates to our world today. Between violent protests, destruction of private property, personal injury to others, the line between what is considered courageous and fearful can be blurred.

For your convenience, I have included both my YouTube and Vimeo links. At times, YouTube can get so busy a video can lag. As a reminder, I do accept topics requests from my readers for a topic they would like to see discussed. You can contact me through this site, or email me direct at Feel free to subscribe to my channels or subscribe to receive a notification when a blog is posted. We never sell or share our email list. Enjoy the post. Here are the links.

Thank you ... Caesar Rondina


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