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A Series Of Conflicts - Is all this really necessary?


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Tonight's topic is a result of many inquiries I received requesting my opinion on the different conflicts facing our nation, and we certainly have a few. First, we must ask ourselves, how many conflicts can we as a nation tackle at the same time? Besides being a matter of economics, it is also a matter of the morale of a nation. It is human nature for people to want more. This includes leaders of other nations. Let's face it; they are people, too, and not immune to the human condition. However, everyone must, and I do, for the most part, believe that getting everything you want comes with a high price tag. Therefore, it comes down to what price leaders are willing to pay and who pays that price.


The reality is our nation is facing many conflicts. Not all conflicts need to be military-based. Social and economic conflicts count as well. We have politicians who have taken classified documents that are not entitled to do so. We have numerous leaking of top-secret information and evidence of a politically biased justice system. Is it equal justice for all anymore?

We are backing Ukraine in its struggle against Russia; we might have a conflict with China over Taiwan sooner than later. I believe that if the President of China, Xi Jinping, is going to move on Taiwan, it will be before the next Presidential election. It appears he is firm in what he believes he's got but doesn't know who he will get in the future.

Why didn't Russia and Ukraine do this during the Trump administration? Simply put, Trump had guts. He stood firm. No other leader could figure him out, and they were not sure what he would do to respond. When challenged, he responded immediately. They feared his response. During those times, in many ways, we were a much stronger nation from a military standpoint, an economic standpoint, and an independent energy standpoint. We had a higher standing on the world stage. These are not just opinions. They are facts. You do not need to agree, nor do you need to like them. However, you cannot dispute them. Facts proved because none of this occurred during Trump's term. No spy balloons flew across our nation's skies. Every time we were tested as a nation, we responded swiftly, decisively, and directly.

Our military was better prepared, and our energy independence was set in stone. Economically, we were a superpower. Most of this, if not all, has declined to some degree with the present administration. They can't seem to get their priorities straight. While hundreds of thousands of non-vetted individuals cross our southern border, an unheard-of amount of illegal drugs are killing our youth, not to mention the sec and child trafficking that comes with it; all we hear President Biden talk about is electric cars.

No one disputes we need a cleaner source of energy, but it WILL NOT happen overnight, and destroying our economy to get it is senseless. We live in a world of political personal agendas, back the backers, the ones who donate the big bucks, ignore and disregard the will of the people who elect these officials. It is easy for them to do this because they do not suffer the same effects as the American people. Week after week and month after month.

From a social society standpoint, we're a hot mess. Mental illness is on the rise, (1) suicide rates are rising, (2) the various issues surrounding the welfare of our children are a never-ending battle, and active shooter incidents are climbing. (3) Crimes rates in our larger cities are at an epic level. Streets are lined with homeless people. Some of our most beautiful cities, such as New York, L.A., and Chicago, have turned to trash. Businesses are closing their doors due to looting, and walking the streets is unsafe. These are just a few of our social problems.

Social development is part of progress. We may not all agree with some of the social issues we are facing. However, social development should never come at the price of denying others their rights. Morals and values should not change. However, it is generational, and the reality is they will. However, our elected officials take sides in these issues. Therefore, equality and the concept that all things are equal go down the drain. PERSONAL AGENDAS. Support those to get their votes. Why are some politicians hand-holding people to gain votes as our society has a meltdown?

The U.S. Dollar is facing a massive decline in value. It may soon no longer be the global trading currency of choice. If that happens, our currency will have even less worth resulting in us losing our high standing in the global marketplace. Not to mention it will increase inflation. It's like the United States is in the boxing ring surrounded by multiple opponents.

OMG, this all sounds so depressing. To some degree, it is. Mostly because it has all happened within two years. How could things change so quickly? Stupidity and lack of wisdom can make anything deteriorate at a rapid rate. Therefore, do not be surprised. Is it possible to come out of this being on the top of the pile? Of course, it is. However, what will it take? It will take major changes in how we are presently handling these issues. Yes, that means having a Commander and Chief that has a bit more guts. Our President says one thing, and the White House says another. No one knows what Joe Biden will do. No one knows what our real stance is on many issues. I might take pressure from Congress or the American people to compel him to make choices.

Is it time to put on the gloves, take a hard stance, and send a clear message as to what is and is not acceptable to our country and its people? With conflicts, people are either proactive or reactive. Sitting back and doing nothing or being passive doesn't get the job done. Closing your eyes and hoping it will all go away is a fool's man game. It doesn't go away, and it gets worse.

Can we trust our justice system to be fair and equal? For the most part, yes. Only a small few have been motivated by politics, and they are at higher levels. Take Alvin Bragg. Is he for real? In what type of world do we live when an elected official openly states his primary goal if elected is to get a particular person? In this case, Trump. If Trump is guilty of anything, he should be treated like any other citizen. However, he has been legally attacked many times, and nothing has come of it.

Any reasonably minded individual must ask themselves, WHEN IS ENOUGH ENOUGH? Sadly, those are the important people to watch because they have POWER. Power is great when used constructively. However, it's a crime when used incorrectly, and people are hurt because of it. Can we call all of these things growing pains? I think not. We are far too intelligent for that. The only other choice left is personal agendas. There should not be personal agendas in politics. What happened to "the will of the people?" Since when is it that what the people want doesn't matter?

Does this sound like the world we are living in today? If it does, is this the world you want it to be?


Now there is the million-dollar question. A question that can be answered with one word. NO! It is not necessary. However, I fear it may not change because the people running things won't change. A quote I love from the TV drama "The Newsroom" by the character Will McAvoy, played by Jeff Daniels in episode one, season one, goes like this.

"The first step in solving any problem is recognizing there is one."

I am sorry, but this present administration does not recognize these problems. If they do, then they are certainly not showing it. However, it does not change the fact that all the things I discussed are unnecessary problems. The world does not need to have them in order to survive. Power, greed, money, self-enhancement, and entitlement, along with other disorders, caused this in the first place.

Does Russia need Ukraine to survive as Russia, and does China need Taiwan to survive as China? Of course, not. But for the prementioned reasons, countries have lost many lives needlessly and caused mass destruction that will take decades to rebuild. All for the sole purpose of making their point, which is useless.

The longer things go on; the more people get used to it unless it directly affects them. What has our global society become when we can endure and accept long-term death and destruction? The hardest war to fight is the human condition. The condition that makes humanity what it is. History does repeat itself, especially when the lessons from the past are not learned. People forget too quickly.

Countries that claim to be our allies are now wondering what side of the China issue they should be standing on. Hence, the issue with our currency. We are not in the loop about all the behind-the-scenes conversations between us and these countries. I would like to believe some conversations are going on to stop all this death and destruction and to remove the threat of having more. However, I am not convinced that is happening. That would be the proactive choice. Once an action is taken, people are stuck with the reactive choice or do nothing. Can we continue to show a sign of weakness or uncertainty?


I would like to say, don't worry. It will get better. But sometimes, things get worse before they get better. History has taught us that we must learn something from a bad thing before we can produce something good. However, it has also shown us that we forget that as time passes. By we, I am referring to the entire world. What will the outcome of all of this be? I left my crystal ball at the mall, so I can't answer that. What I can say is that it is not necessary. However, the leaders of the world must recognize that first.

It is known that the road to peace is best served by the balance of power, where I can do as much to you as you can do to me. Balance of power is the deterrent. The other deterrent is knowing that the other side will respond when pushed. That is part two of the balance of power. Some of our greatest Presidents have pushed back, and because of their actions, major wars were averted. President Biden is being tested in many ways. Only time will tell if he will pass the test. He must pass the test in order to ensure world peace. He must take the hard stands when necessary and not be bullied or pushed around. These are my opinions, and the data in the links I provided back some of the other issues I discussed. Everyone has the right to their views and opinions. So the correct way to view this post is, I will respect yours; you only have to respect mine in return.


Be safe, stay well, and focus on being happy. And remember to always:

Live with an open mind,

Live with an open heart,

Live your best life.

Best Regards,

Caesar Rondina


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