Looking Through Your Mirror - How do you see yourself compared to how others see you?
Greetings to all, and welcome to my October video Blog post. The topic of tonight's self-help blog post is "Looking Through Your Mirror. This is an in-depth discussion of opinions, perceptions, and answers. What we see versus what others may see.
Is what others see important? That is a huge debate. It is easy for each of us to say, "I don't care what others think." Frankly, that is how I feel. The question is, is that the right way to think? Explore all the questions with me and see if the answers make sense.
As always, my video blog posts are available for viewing on both my YouTube and Vimeo channels. Click on the platform link you prefer below. Depending on your internet connection and internet volume at the time, the Vimeo link sometimes always streams without interruption. I hope you enjoy the post.
Stay safe, be happy, and be well.
Live with an open mind,
Live with an open heart,
Live your best life.
Caesar Rondina
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