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What Are The Seven Deadly Sins In Life? - No, it's not about religion.


Greetings to all. This week is my video blog post for March. Thanks to all that took my poll on social media. The overwhelming majority was in favor of seeing a diversified post. Therefore, the format of this blog will remain the same. I enjoy diversity because it attracts a broader audience base. As always, you can email me directly at with your blog post topic suggestions or click the CONTACT tab from the main menu. Over 90% of my topics come from you, my readers, and my subscribers. I would also like to thank Dean Burgess for his guest blog post submission published last week.

Tonight's post is about the seven deadly sins in life. As stated, no, it is not a religious post. It is a self-help post that addresses the behavior or posture we have all taken or still take in life at this time. These are important issues because they affect our lives and the lives of those around us. We have had habits for so long that they have become second nature. We do it without thinking. This applies to good habits as well as bad habits.

However, any bad habit can be broken with a bit of effort and become a good habit that will eventually be something that also becomes second nature. You will do it automatically without any forethought. No one is exempt from the seven deadly sins of life. Any single one or combination of them has been known to destroy marriages, relationships, friendships, and even families. The sad part is that we do not even realize it's happening, or we are the cause of it. I hope you enjoy tonight's video blog post. I have always provided the links to both my YouTube and Vimeo channels for your viewing choice. Now it's time to get a cup of coffee, relax, click the link of your choice, and enjoy the post. Comments are always welcome. It is always appreciated if you subscribe to my blog or whichever channel you view this post. Thank you.

Stay safe and be well,

Caesar Rondina


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